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Tribeloo is a cloud based desk and meeting room booking solution that can be used by companies looking to provide an optimal experience for their employees to connect and to find the ideal desk or meeting room to work together. Requests can be approved to come to the office through automated workflow and manage seating. It can be ensured that desks and meeting rooms are cleaned swiftly after every use and before they can be used again. Insights from data can be used to rethink the office layout and space usage can be optimized with smart tools for office managers. Many more features, like the interactive maps showing your team members can be discovered. The office experience can be elevated through digital signage solutions with touch screens for desks and meeting rooms. You can engage your employees by sharing company news and subscribable events and follow up on reported issues.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Tribeloo, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Tribeloo alternatives.