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Trusona is an identity and access management solution that can be used by mid to large enterprises across most industries including financial services, insurance, manufacturing, life sciences, etc. Authentication can be made more secure and more convenient across all enterprise use cases by providing a complete alternative to usernames and passwords. Omni-channel authentication across any digital asset can be provided for organizations in financial services, healthcare, higher education, media and more. The identity behind every digital interaction can be secured with passwordless MFA. Operating costs can be reduced by reducing password reset costs, throwing away tokens and other clutter. Top threats to security like session replay, phishing, keylogging, password reuse and more can be mitigated for a safer, happier workplace. The number of frequent and long Help Desk calls due to account blocks, and lost customers and money due to frustration can be reduced. The use of static credentials from the user can be completely removed by leveraging biometric authentication and unique visual IDs, such as Trusona’s TruQR technology, to confirm the user’s identity.

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