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TutorCruncher is a business management system that can be used by tutoring companies, both agencies and tutoring centres to manage their driving school. Timesheets, scheduling, payroll, invoicing, as well as matching capabilities of tutor and student can be utilized. Online whiteboards, card payment options, automated tutor payroll and client invoicing can be provided to streamline and simplify the operations and admin of your driving school. Business intellegence analytics can be used to analyze the performance of your business with graphs. Confirmation/Reminders, Driver Scheduling, Online Booking, Online Payments, Payroll Management, Student Management and Time Tracking are some of the features of TutorCruncher. Incredibly intuitive user interface and streamlined accounting and invoicing can be provided by the software. You will be able to keep a track of client and tutor activities and relationships by using TutorCruncher. A high volume of clients can be linked to tutors with the requisite skill set with ease by the help of its innovative job's board.

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If you are in search of alternatives to TutorCruncher, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top TutorCruncher alternatives.