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UltraLinq is a secure, fast cloud PACS platform that is designed for all cardiovascular and ultrasound imaging. Physicians and practices upload, interpret, store, and share medical images and reports with UltraLinq. Secure, fast access and retrieval of patient reports can be provided with loud PACS platform. Reporting is streamlined and always accessible with multi-site access from any internet-connected device. Optimized patient reporting can be provided with advanced image reporting tools and customizable worksheets. It is a flexible and scalable solution with secure, industry compliant patient data storage. Productivity and clinical flow can be optimized with professional reporting worksheets. The costs of image management and storage can be reduced with effortless multi-location exam access combined with fast upload, storage and retrieval. Comparison View, Data Compression, Data Import/Export, Diagnostic Tools, HIPAA Compliant, HL7 Support, Image Analysis, Image Management, Mobile Access, Multi-Location, Multi-Physician, Non-DICOM Imaging Support, Patient Records Management, Referring Physician Portal and Voice Recognition are some of the features that can be included in UltraLinq.

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If you are in search of alternatives to UltraLinq, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top UltraLinq alternatives.