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VelocityEHS is a trusted partner and supplier of EHS Management software that can be used by manufacturing, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals industries to track and report on all of their critical emissions including GHG, Air, Water, and other waste streams. Your data collection can be automated at the source, in real time, with OSIsoft PI integration. Reporting can be simplified against CAA Title V, CEPA, TRI, NPRI, NPI, and NPDES/SWPPP regulations by feeding your data into the Hybrid Calculation Engine. Emission units can be mapped as well as equipment and emission sources can be monitored by using Emissions flow modeling. Best ESG & EHS performance can be delivered to help you achieve Operational Excellence. The flexibility can be provided to build and run any report when required with superior data visualization tools and centralized data management to find actionable insights which help drive risk mitigation and program improvement.

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