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VendorInsight is an effective third-party risk management software for detecting, assessing, and mitigating vendor risk.

Your vendor and contract management process is simplified by this web-based vendor risk management solution, through automated workflows, easy-to-use features, and vendor news and risk monitoring. A turn-key solution is provided by VendorInsight that includes regulatory alerts and updates for financial services, healthcare, and others. The pre-built policies, vendor portals, templates and forms can be used to simplify your due diligence, contract monitoring, and risk management efforts.

VendorInsight is the vendor management software that helps you understand and proactively address the risks those involve noncompliance with your company policies or industry regulation, personal data protection, or financial risk that might impact your bottom line. It help identify and monitor third and fourth-party risk across your vendor network and supply chain. It is simple to keep track of your entire vendor landscape because of ease of SaaS adoption and use, through an intuitive dashboard. Vendor contracts, documentation, vendor risk analysis reports and more can be centrally managed.

You can proactively take measures as it can be ensured that you are aware when vendor risk goes beyond acceptable thresholds with automated alerts. VendorInsight is mostly used by banks, credit unions, insurance firms, and other financial services organizations to protect themselves against third-party compliance risk. 

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

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If you are in search of alternatives to VendorInsight, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top VendorInsight alternatives.