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Effortlessly organize your work, customers, workflows, or any other organizational elements with unparalleled flexibility using the VobeSoft Platform. Organizations leverage our platform to tailor and manage their work processes in a manner that suits their unique requirements.

VobeSoft was conceived by two friends, Roel Voogt and Jeroen Berens, in an attic. With backgrounds spanning gaming, IT, and business, they recognized the complexity and costliness of maintaining or establishing various organizational systems like front office portals, back-office applications, CRMs, and workflow management tools. Determined to simplify this process, they created a modular and configurable system tailored to individual needs, eliminating unnecessary complexities and costs.

Today, VobeSoft serves as a trusted partner to numerous companies, enabling them to operate more efficiently and successfully. Regardless of your business size, VobeSoft empowers you to focus your time and attention on what truly matters, allowing you to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

Number Of Employee

10-100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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