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Wastebits is a web-based, SaaS solution that streamlines the management of regulated waste for waste generators, service providers & treatment facilities. Your special, hazardous, and non-hazardous waste streams can be efficiently managed by using Wastebits. The software can be used by Waste Generators (manufacturers, hospitals, schools, governments) Waste Receiving Companies (disposal facilities, recycling facilities) Service Providers (contractors, consultants, haulers, brokers). You can track and manage your special waste approvals, generate and track your non-hazardous manifests, create scale tickets at your POS, upload hazardous waste manifests to the EPA, and report on all of the above. The only fully digital, cradle-to-grave experience can be provided for waste industry professionals. All of your waste stream, approval, manifest, and scale ticket information can be managed in a cloud-based digital solution. An unparalleled access can be provided to generator, facility, and transporter waste stream data by insight. The latest reports on who is generating waste, how much, and where it is going, can be viewed.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Wastebits, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Wastebits alternatives.