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WenDuct and WenPipe is an Estimating Software that can be used by HVAC Commercial Mechanical Sheet Metal, and Piping Contractors with Screen Takeoff. Estimating projects can be won by reducing estimating time by 50 percent or more. Real-time, web-based net pricing, and rectangular to round conversions for value engineering sheet metal can be provided in order to lower costs. Audit Trail, Commercial/Industrial, Cost Database, Customizable Templates, For General Contractors, Job Costing, Project Management, Quotes/Estimates, Takeoff and What-if Analysis are some of the features of WenDuct and WenPipe. Screen takeoff from digital drawings, digitizer integration, automatic scaling, 2D takeoff, a conversion calculator, CAD file integration, and many other features are offered by the takeoff application. Excel integration, an updated cost database, visual assemblies, a proposal generator, and more are offered by the estimating application

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