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WETHOD is an integrated and collaborative project portfolio management software that can be used by organizations that work primarily on projects that are looking for an integrated system, customizable and intuitive, to manage CRM, project management, financials and portfolio analysis. The simultaneous management of CRM, projects and financials can be enabled by providing various insight about sale performance, productivity, portfolio analysis and team distribution, while fostering people empowerment. A large portfolio of projects can be managed in an agile way and can be shared with a growing team. It is designed for reliable and transparent management. You will never have to wait or data as it is all there, real-time, and ready to use. Productivity reports, progress and budgets, as well as relevant and timely insights are provided to share with the rest of the team. A platform can be provided that is capable of adapting to every situation, from collaborative planning with shared responsibilities to vertical micro-management structures.

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If you are in search of alternatives to WETHOD, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top WETHOD alternatives.