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Yammer is an intranet software that can be used by any company looking to expand their internal social network.Internal communications can be revolutionized by bringing together all employees inside a private and secure enterprise social network. You will be able to connect with people across your organization to make better and faster decisions. All employees are allowed to know whats happening day to day as well as build on the work of others. Groups relevant to work and other interests can be created by employees. They can also keep documents or photos in context while still discussing things online. All the work that happens between the big announcements and the success story can be discovered. Quick answers to your questions can be provided. Productive, spontaneous conversations with experts and creatives across your organization is possible by joining meaningful discussions. Your own productivity can be accelerated by using the learning or progress of others.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Yammer, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Yammer alternatives.