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Yotpo is a leading eCommerce marketing platform with data-driven, integrated solutions that can be used by brands to acquire customers more efficiently through referral marketing programs. It can be used for reviews, loyalty, SMS marketing, and more. Brands will be able to acquire customers more efficiently through referral marketing programs with Yotpo. Customers will have their choice of preferred referral channel, including intelligent popups, custom designed pages and preferred sharing options through Facebook Messenger and various ESP integrations. Your referral program performance can be monitored and evaluated using our comprehensive dashboard. A full suite of solutions for customer reviews, visual marketing, loyalty, referrals, and SMS marketing can be provided to accelerate growth. An SMS marketing strategy can be build that targets shoppers with personalized messages to create high-converting mobile experiences. You can also promote desirable customer behaviors and drive measurable increases in LTV. Seamless and intelligent UX can be leveraged to unlocks the power of existing customers in driving low-cost acquisition.

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